Thursday, November 6, 2008

American Christian.IV - Live Out Loud

Live out loud!


Duh! Just get out there and do it! Show the world how happy Jesus makes you! It's a sad, sad sorrowful world out there and they need the joy of God, so just put on that happy face and spread the news!

And don't forget your WWJD bracelet! That way there'll be no doubt about your intentions. And don't forget your controversial-looking Christian t-shirt - how else do you expect to start a conversation?

Oh yes, and don't forget all your intellectual arguments for the skeptics. They need that hard, historical, archaeological evidence if they're ever going to be proved wrong for the glory of God.

Be sure to say an outspoken prayer before any time you eat, even if it's someone only sharing their potato chips with you - give thanks to the maker of those who made the potato chips for his glory! Not an ounce, not a shred, not a sliver of glory is to be robbed from God! If you think about it, be sure to thank God for every breath you take as you take it. That is a mark of true dedication and the heathens will be so impressed by your faith they'll be falling down left and right. So be sure to have plenty copies of the Four Spiritual Laws on hand, too.

You're on your way, kid...

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